Ini Akpan Morgan

When this revelation first came to me, in order not to miss it, I went off to seek a pen and paper. I did not trust that I could play it back in my memory after then. I had lost so many like it before, when attempting to retain them in memory severally, but this one was too special for me to lose – that the “admission into heaven is sought and given here in this life and on this earth”. Unction revealed that the steps taken by mortal men to “make heaven” cannot be taken in death. It is not possible to do so in death. So we will now look at this fact concretely:

When the reality of the admission into heaven dawned on me – I used the example of our academic/school systems to illustrate this revelation, how that admissions into schools are sought outside the intended school, and efforts made outside of it to get into it. So the option of making the efforts at making heaven outside of this life and on this earth is unimaginably impossible – I wrote this revelation all up, printed many copies and walked the streets of Port Harcourt in 2005 distributing the copies, only to wonder at how many who received these copies actually read. I was not earning any income from anywhere when I was doing this.

I have had several harsh times like this present one I am having: when God would lock me up in the “Isles” of my own “Patmos”, making me physically jobless and in severe material needs, just to get my attention to draw his will from heaven to earth. I would, normally, be giving in everything I have to make a difference wherever and whenever I get appointed into a government office – like I have had to occupy 3 times already – any time, any day. God knows best.

I am an instrument of service, in spite of how I live physically. Yes! In spite of me (bodily), God is ME (mentally and spiritually), he owns me (wholly). Where he leads I follow and what he gives, I issue out freely without charge. I, also, can run a mega church and also freely “rape” women too, believe it or not – it is not easy to set yourself up to take the power over peoples’ spiritual lives and over their finances. But how can I flourish in a calling that is not mine? I can only enjoy the material things it throws, but I would carry a burden of the lying deceits inwardly until change embraces me or I embrace change.

As an irresponsible Church leader, if I NEED to take a woman to bed, I will first win her heart lovingly, make her feel relaxed and compliant to my wooing. Why should I use my office to achieve that? It’s always easy and sincere when two walk together in agreement. I am not promoting immorality, but we cannot run away from some of the cases we have on our hands, and would I be wrong to put myself in some brother’s shoes – I should feel his pains?

The shoes may not fit on me because I have my own, not too good too, but I can feel some of the warmth inside it. This helps us to sympathize with the weaknesses of others – thinking from the human angle. Like I tell my friends always when the need arises, that after all I was unmanifestly made naked and manifestly born naked.

So what is the big deal about nakedness – being naked? What is “shame”? We need growing up from these. Lets take responsibilities with our bare faces looking bold at it, and be ready to move on. The attitude where a man is dying inside of him from attempting to prove his piety outwardly is absolute stupidity – if you can do it secretly, own up and do it openly. It is God we must please and if you cannot please him from nature, please him by the faith he supplied you for the purpose.

What believers ought to know is that “the heaven” is the “throne of God”. The heaven is his judgment seat of God, his administrative headquarters, where every being will confront him to account for his periods during this transient life. God does not reside in heaven. We are the residence of God: the collection of the minds of believers working out the purpose of salvation is where God lives. Yes! God lives on earth where his word lives. God and his word are like the man and his wife living together as “one flesh”.

Do we then wonder why “the Church” is called the bride, and God’s word appointed the “head” of the Church? We are the inhabitation of God, we are his bride. The oneness of God – father, son and the Holy Spirit – resides in the believer, in his mentality. This is why Christianity is about the renewing of the mind. God has chosen us as his habitation and has adopted our praises as his hiding place – he inhabits our praises.

So let us stop thinking about dying and “going” to heaven. Why do we always desire to “go” when Matthew 24: 26-28 says “go not”, “believe it not” to avoid being a victim of false prophets and false Christs. We “go” to Church to prepare ourselves to “go” to heaven – whattt!? Always on an endless move from place to place, uneasy, unsteady, searching, still searching until it is “dust to dust” and never finding what was sought. This life is so empty but it is so filled up with the unseen and the unheard of. Let it be known that the man in Christ lives on but the man without Christ returns to the dust finally (Genesis 3:19).

For anyone therefore to make heaven, he must take the entrance examination here in this life, pass the interviews and await the result for his shortlisting. Period! Strait is the way and narrow is the gate that leads to life, many there be that shall desire to enter in but SHALL NOT BE ABLE. There is no restriction to entering into heaven because it takes a personal ability to enter therein. It needs spirtual exercises and mental well being. Nothing physical is required.

Now God made the heaven and the earth in the beginning, and we know the rest – this means he made his throne and the habitation of men – how things were before this time is not open to earthly knowledge.

Now, it is understood that when he rested, his spoken word – the Lord God, which Christians call “Logos”, the “spoken” word – went on to accomplish what God spoke, after he (God) took his rest, revealing himself as God’s word. God created everything that is a constant in nature in the beginning but left everything that needed to be material for his word to accomplish and reveal.

God’s word, the Lord God, came upon a desolate earth, which is depicted in the beginning as being without form (inexpressible), void (uncontained) and in darkness (without a dint of knowledge). This darkness, which covered the waters (in every conception, water is an embryoic enabler, representing the mobile nature of the Spirit of God, present to refresh, relieve, revive – contended with the Spirit of God over the deep (the revelation of knowledge). The Spirit of God watched over the earth when it was under conception.

It was the Lord God who activated the seasons on earth by choosing a portion of the desolate earth and causing the scientific process of evaporation, saturation and condensation to begin, in order to water the earth. From the provisions of the earth he planted a garden in “Eden” after making Adam. Eden is a traceable location defined by existing rivers on this earth. Eden was made an example of human habitation and how God spoke forth the earth to look like.

God made the man in order to establish his rule on earth, and the Lord God (God’s word) who, from time to time, like a school teacher, taught Adam and scored him, trained him (Adam) in his duties. The whole earth is an expanse which God intended man to develop from Eden out – the intention of planting Eden was to use Eden to replicate Eden all over the earth. You see how far we are from this reality? Then this work is remaining to be done according the “word” that will never fail. No be so?

Man was to live in houses carved out from the interlocking of trees, shrubs and grasses, making a comfortable home for man’s resting place. Man was to sleep naked on lush green grasses more comfortable than any man made bed – at least, not getting beyond this to know the overall plan, this is what we are left with to imagine. You can imagine the stones of those era, they still had the touch of God, such that a man could use it as his pillow and enjoy the best dream ever recorded in human history.

Unfortunately, man acquired a new knowledge that activated his physical senses, his sense of the ordinary, cutting him off from his extraordinary spiritual connection. This is the point to which every mortal man must return in order to rediscover himself, and start his journey back home to God all over again.

The cause of the activation of the physical sense was the introduction of blood into the human system, the result of the eating of the forbidden tree. Look well, every human problem stems from the blood in the human body. The blood inhabits cells whose corruption limits and deteriorates the human life. The eating of the forbidden tree caused an internal bleeding in man which is contained by and in the human flesh.

Man had no blood in his body in the beginning, the personification of God in the man, as originally designed, enables the man to live as flesh and bone (Luke 24:39). Man lived by the unction (breeze) of God’s breath flowing through his flesh in a network of internal organs not supported by blood until “that” haemorrhage happened after Adam joined Eve in eating of the forbidden tree.

God had no problem with the man taking what was pleasant to the eyes and good for food (Genesis 2:9) but it was man’s destiny to learn God’s wisdom in the works (light) of his word. This was the problem – acquiring a knowledge that “tends to make one wise” (Genesis 3:6).

Sin, simply put is the attempt to tell yourself the lie you don’t want others to know about – defacing the truth, as the law of Moses did, having the inputs of men, as the “tradition of the fathers”, because Moses carved the “stone” of the law with human hands. Apart from this, there is no sin – this is why Jesus said it plainly that adultery and murder are established and accounted for from our thoughts. However, you are, if you are under the light, you will either improve yourself or inhabit, not inhibiting, the desire to improve yourself.

The abode of God in man today is called “the conscience”. Our consciences are the situation room between the heaven (God’s throne and administrative office) and the earth. And the conscience of the believer, after the fall, transformed to having the Godhead residing on earth in the Church.

Has the Church lived in the world as the presence of God? Why do we have wars, why do we have storms, why do we have famines, why do we have radical religions gaining grounds in our world, why is our evangelism not progressing toward the salvation of the Jews (Romans 9)? Why has the Church seemingly failed at working out Eden?

If religion therefore does not target the transformation of the human conscience by the transformation of the mindset of men for the development of our earth, then the objective is sinister and only seeks economic advancement of a few who only prosper by delimiting others better than them through violence and cun.

Eden is an example of human habitation, a place prepared and kept for man’s learning in the wisdom of God through the light of his word. The place from where all things earthly went wrong, the place to which God is expecting us to return. A place given under two deadly guards, the Cherubs, to protect the enterance to and the source of eternal life.

Do you have faith, it is about what you keep before your spiritual eyes, if you are not spiritually blind. If you would need to “go” to heaven when you die, remember that there is one heaven already made on earth, as the example of the habitation of men. God is not the author of confusion, if he left us in Eden with his word, then the word has gone nowhere to expect us than where he followed us from when we exited that example.

So we have a duty to walk ourselves back to the point where the Cherubs were positioned to guide the tree of life, from where we can feed eternally as God has designed it to be. Our “going to heaven” is our journey back to Eden, where Christ has gone to prepare us a place, to help us finish our own work, left in the middle of it. Abi no be so?

We have a work to accomplish on earth, and God does not speak and it fails to come to pass. He will not allow any man made heaven anywhere for man to die and go to – dying and going to heaven is another one taking from the “tradional” thoughts of “the father’s”. If you die without Christ, Scripture says, you return to the dust from where you were taken.

For surely, we must bring the will of God to pass on earth, as it was in the beginning. Stop thinking of dying and going to heaven. Show how you deserve to be a part of the Edenic Project, and prove yourself worthy of the admission by your service here in this life. The spirit of God is upon us to preach, to heal, to bind up, and to declare liberty.

Where are we NOW? This is what matters ooo, not whether you are spoken of as good and righteous. I don’t need the testimonies of men, let God judge me innocent of what I am seen to do, because I am given the ability to do all things in Christ, I won’t limit myself and I won’t judge any man who cannot be like me. Person dey old pass some things.

Grow up!

God bless you all

Ini Akpan Morgan is called an Apostle to Teach truth with the vigour of a Prophet.

Published by Ini Morgan

Architect, Author and Teacher. CEO Apostolic Vision International and Principal at Time Subsidiaries (Project Managers)

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